Chimpanzees can grow between four to 5-1/2 feet tall and weigh between 70 and 130 pounds. They usually get around by walking on all fours, although they can stand and walk upright.
The chimpanzee in the wild makes its home in central Africa. Chimpanzees are considered endangered and in the wild are found in small pockets of central Africa. They can be found in rain forests, woodlands and grasslands, due to their ability to adapt to their physical environment.
The chimpanzee is omnivorous. Chimpanzees, like humans, are omnivorous. As well as fruits and plants, they will eat insects, scavenged meat and small animals.
Chimpanzees are one of the few species on earth that have been found to use tools. Some methods they employ to get food include using sticks to dig insects from nests or logs and using rocks to crack nutshells.
African Chimpanzee Facts
The chimpanzee shares over 98 percent of its genetic makeup with humans, making it one of our closest relatives. We may have a common ancestor that lived from four to eight million years ago. Chimpanzees live in family units and can even be taught to use a basic human sign language. When you look closely at their behavior and physical appearance, you can begin to see just how like us they really are.