Common Spiders in Canada

If you live in Canada and you're concerned about spiders entering your home, you should think twice. Spiders are actually excellent pest control agents and can eliminate insects in your home, according to Health Canada. Spiders are not dangerous, and despite having small venom glands, rarely bite humans. One of the few spider bites that can be dangerous is from a Black Widow spider. However, Black Widows are rarely found in Canada.
  1. Wolf Spiders

    • Wolf spiders, or Rhabidosa rabida, are one type of spider found in Canada. Wolf spiders are typically active at night and capture prey by hunting instead of using a web like most spiders. Wolf spiders can grow up to 3 centimeters in length and have a dark brown color. These spiders are usually found in grass, wood floors of homes, gardens and beaches. Wolf spiders look for a warm place to stay during the wintertime. This increases the number of Wolf spiders found in homes in Canada during the winter.

    Cellar Spiders

    • Cellar spiders are commonly found in homes throughout Canada. Cellar spiders have extremely small legs and usually build webs in the corner of cellars in homes and damp basements. These spiders are harmless and can be deterred by reducing humidity levels with a humidifier and destroying their webs. Cellar spiders are commonly referred to as daddy long leg spiders. The scientific name for the cellar spider is Phalangium opilio.

    Household Spiders

    • Household spiders are commonly found inside homes, rather than areas such as a garage or garden. House spiders range in color from dirty white to entirely black. The house spider has a front pair of legs that's nearly three times the length of its entire body. House spiders typically build webs in dark corners, under furniture and anywhere insects may be found.

    Fishing Spiders

    • Fishing spiders are another type of spider found in Canada. Fishing spiders are commonly confused with wolf spiders, but have a different eye pattern. These spiders can grow up to 7.5 centimeters in length. Fishing spiders are commonly found near cottages, waterfronts and especially in rocky shoreline areas off the coast of Canada. Fishing spiders commonly hunt minnows in the shallows of water.