Goldenrod Crab Spider
The Goldenrod crab spider has a yellow body with red edges and does not spin a web. The spider gets its prey by stalking the prey and then jumping on it.
Common House Spider
The common house spider is a dark brown color and dwells in houses, especially in attic corners and basements. They make thin fluffy webs around the house targeting mostly ceilings and window sills.
Northwestern Black Widow
The Northwestern Black Widow is a venomous spider that lives in basements and woodpiles in Massachusetts. The bite of the black widow can cause serious injury and even death. Young children and elderly people suffer serious symptoms after a bite by a black widow. Symptoms caused by the bite of a Northern Black Widow include chest pains, blood pressure problems and respiratory complications.
Spined Micrathena
The spined micrathena, found in the forests of Massachusetts, has a ridged body and comes in black, white, yellow and brown colors.
Wolf Spider
The wolf spider can look intimidating because of its hairy body. The wolf spider looks frightening compared to other spiders because of its hairy appearance. This spider is found in gardens, under rocks and window sills in Massachusetts.
These spiders commonly found in cellars have long legs, hence their common name daddy long legs. They also live in tree trunks and gardens. They frequently scurry across the grass and flowers in the gardens of Massachusetts.
Common MA Spiders
The northeastern state of Massachusetts has several species of spiders. Some spiders dwell in urban settings while others dwell in the temperate deciduous forests that make up most of rural Massachusetts. Most spiders are harmless except when disturbed; the Northern black widow is the only venomous spider in the state.