Aquarium Pets
The Sphynx is a feline that has no hair to shed. While not much fun to play with or train, fish aquariums can be a perfect choice for a pet. Both freshwater and saltwater fish are available in every color of the rainbow. Pet owners can also choose the size of the aquarium. Another option for an aquarium pet may be a reptile or amphibian such as a frog, lizard or snake. Pet owners should choose carefully when selecting an aquarium pet as some of these creatures can be considered high maintenance or need special care.
The puli has a lot of fur but doesn't shed. If you care a cat enthusiast but cannot deal with shedding, the Sphynx cat may be an option. This hairless feline is a mutation of its furry ancestors. The Sphynx is far from common. These cats are quite rare and can be costly. They make up for their difference in appearance with personality and act more like a dog than a cat in some ways. The Sphynx enjoys following its owner around the house, and enjoy your company more than most breeds of cats. They are also inquisitive and intelligent.
Miniature pigs may only grow to be 16 inches tall There aren't hairless canine companions to keep you company and as long as you don't suffer from allergies, these dogs may be a solution to your shedding problem. These dogs do not shed regularly or even on an annual basis. The miniature schnauzer, affenpinscher and Chinese crested are small dogs that don't shed and the Chinese shar-pei, poodle and Welsh terrier are larger dogs that do not shed. When looking into dog breeds that don't shed, remember that just because an animal has lots of hair, does not mean it sheds a great deal. The puli, for example, is a large dog that looks like the head of a mop. This canine does not shed, but he does require a bit of grooming to keep his locks looking their best.
Miniature Pigs
The miniature pig makes an exceptional choice for a shed-free pet. They are smart, easily housebroken and quite clean. Pigs are very sociable animals and love companionship. They make a variety of noises to communicate with each other and their owners. Another great feature about these animals is that they have no natural odor. Unlike other animals, a pig doesn't smell. They are easily cared for, well-tempered and come in different sizes. The smallest miniature pig may only stand 12 to 16 inches tall full grown. Miniature pigs have a long life expectancy and can live up to 30 years.
Pets That Don't Shed
Many people are interested in having a pet that doesn't shed due to allergies. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reports that an estimated 10 percent of people may be allergic to animals. Others find cleaning up pet hair constantly a chore they would rather not commit to. Whatever the reason, there are several choices when it comes to finding the right pet without having to deal with shedding. In addition to dogs and cats, there are also other options for animal lovers seeking a pet that doesn't shed.