Lobbying Governments
Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund have government relations teams. The objective of this team is to work with the U.S. Congress to conserve natural habitats and secure funding from the federal government for conservation efforts. The government relations team wants to work with the federal government to help further protect 19 of the world's most important natural places as well as change global markets to protect the future of endangered species and threatened wildlife.
Conservation Partnerships
In addition to working with government officials, wildlife funding organizations also partner with corporations, humanitarians and marketers to help raise awareness on the importance of conservation. For example, the World Wildlife Fund partners with companies like IBM, Nike, Coca-Cola and Johnson &Johnson to develop sustainable business solutions that benefit animals and conserve Earth's natural resources. Partnering with marketing organizations help communicate its mission and its importance, while humanitarian organizations help develop areas of the world with the environment in mind.
Changing Attitudes
A big part of wildlife funding organizations, such as the World Wildlife Fund and National Wildlife Federation, is inspiring communities to take action against things like global warming, which, as of publication, is the biggest threat to wildlife and animal habitats. Global warming has led to the loss of ice chunks in the arctic, which affects polar bears and walruses. Climate change also affects how certain plants grow, which can play vital roles in animal habitats. Wildlife funding groups hope that by educating the public about how harmful global warming can be to the planet, people will be inspired to change their lifestyles to slow its progression.
Connecting with the Youth
The National Wildlife Federation believes that people are losing their connection with nature. According to the federation, this is particularly evident with modern children, who typically reach for a video game controller or television remote rather than head outdoors. The federation's "Be Out There" campaign aims to get more children outdoors. Not only does getting outside improve a child's fitness and well-being, but it leads to a greater appreciation of nature and the environment.
What Are Wildlife Funds Doing to Save Endangered Animals?
Wildlife funding groups have existed since the 1960s as independent conservation organizations. Missions of such organizations, like the World Wildlife Fund, is to stop degradation of the planet's natural resources and encourage a future in which humans live in cooperation with nature. A big part of this involves protecting endangered species and seeing that these species don't become extinct. Wildlife funds accomplish this in a variety of ways.