Diet of Armadillos

The distinctive armadillo is known for its coat that looks like armor. The animal also has a distinctive long nose and sticky tongue that is used for foraging and extracting its food from the ground.
  1. Location

    • Armadillos are native to North America. They are generally found in the southwestern states like Texas, but they can also be found in the Deep South and parts of Florida.


    • The main food sources for the armadillo are insect and insect larvae like ants and grubs, according to United Wildlife Control. They enjoy eating worms, spiders and scorpions.

    Other Foods

    • Armadillos are also known to eat fruit and plant matter. On occasion, armadillos will eat small animals like frogs and snakes.

    Time Frame

    • Armadillos forage for food when it is cool out. During the summer they most often look for food at night; they spend their days hunting during the winter.

    Fun Fact

    • According to United Wildlife Control, an armadillo can eat up to 40,000 ants at once and gorges itself on 200 pounds of insects annually.