How to Hatch Peacocks

The common name for peafowl--peacock--refers to the male peafowl. Females, referred to as peahens, lack the showy display of tail feathers. Peafowl egg hatching requirements are similar to turkey egg hatching requirements, though peahens generally do better at setting, hatching and caring for chicks than turkeys. Fertile eggs require a male and female, though females will lay unfertile eggs in the absence of a male. You can purchase fertile eggs for home incubation.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertile peafowl eggs
  • Incubator designed for or adaptable to large eggs
  • Thermometer
  • Humidity gauge
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    • 1
      Female peafowl are called peahens.

      Purchase or retrieve eggs from a peahen exposed to a peacock during laying times. Do not immediately incubate if retrieving eggs laid by the hen. Store the eggs at room temperature safely for a few days until ready to incubate for approximate same-day hatching.

    • 2
      Fertile peafowl eggs can be purchased for hatching.

      Place the eggs in the incubator. Mark each one to track sides and keep all eggs on the same rotation. Turn eggs end-to-end 3 times daily--don't roll them over. 180-degree turns show better results than 90-degree turns.

    • 3
      Set the temperature at 97 to 98 degrees.

      Set the temperature of the incubator to 97 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Adjust humidity to 60 to 62 percent during incubation. Raise the humidity to 70 to 77 percent during hatching, approximately 26 to 28 days after the start of incubation.