Indian Cobra Behavior

The Indian cobra, also known as the Naja Naja and spectacled cobra, is an extremely venomous snake found in Assam and Eastern India. According to the Wildlife Tour, the Indian cobra has been added to the endangered species list even though it is not endangered, because it resembles rarer snakes. The cobra is hunted by humans for its hood markings in order to make purses out of the skin.
  1. Characteristics

    • According to the San Diego Zoo, the Indian cobra has a wide black band on the underside of the neck and a unique pattern on its hood. Two circular patterns on the back of the cobra's hood are connected with a curved line that resembles glasses. They are meant to fool a predator into thinking the markings are eyes. The cobra has black eyes and a medium-sized body. They vary in color. Some may be black, while others are brown. Some may even be white.


    • If an Indian cobra is threatened, it will raise one third of its body off the ground and flatten its head. It may make a few dry lunges at the enemy. It will hiss loudly as a warning. It can also spit venom as far as 6 1/2 feet by putting pressure on its venom glands. The cobra aims for the eyes, and if the venom reaches its target, it will cause the victim severe pain and possibly blindness. The venom is extremely poisonous. According to the University of California San Diego, effects can start as soon as 8 minutes after a bite. Cobra venom is a neurotoxin and shuts down the heart and respiratory system.


    • According to the Wildlife Tour, the main meal of an Indian cobra is rodents, lizards and frogs. The cobra uses its venom to paralyze its prey and then swallows the prey whole. Unfortunately, the cobra's meals are often found around populated areas, which leads to humans being bitten when they accidentally encounter the snakes.


    • An Indian cobra lays 8 to 45 eggs, according to the Wildlife Tour. The cobra will lay the eggs in a hollow tree or termite mound. Unlike other snakes, the Indian cobra pays more attention to her eggs than other species. During the 50- to 60-day incubation, she will only leave her eggs a short time each day to eat.

    Snake Charming

    • According to the San Diego Zoo, the Indian cobra is respected in India because of its place in Hindu mythology as a powerful deity. This snake is also used by snake charmers. Most Indian charmers, who practice the art for tourism, have taken out the cobra's fangs or its venom sacs to ensure that a bite will not occur. Unfortunately, this shortens the snake's life, because mouth rot will set in.