How Can I Tell If a Bearded Dragon Is Pregnant?

Bearded Dragon lizards make excellent pets, and it is often tempting for pet owners to undertake the joys of breeding their pets. Just like any child-rearing endeavor, the process of identifying the pregnancy and caring for the mother and young is a tremendous commitment on time and your wallet.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bin
  • Vermiculite
  • Heat lamp
  • 60-watt incandescent bulb
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      Pay attention to the mother's food intake; when a reptile is gravid (pregnant), she will become ravenously hungry. You should feed her as much food as she wants during her pregnancy, paying particular attention to her calcium intake. High amounts of calcium will be needed for her body to form the eggs.

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      Look for the mother's belly to grow rapidly after the second or third week as the eggs form. Just like any other pregnant animal, you will be able to feel the babies (or in this case, grape-like clusters of eggs) through her skin when you gently feel her belly.

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      Purchase a lay bin such as a plastic Rubbermaid bin in which the mother can give birth. Make sure the sides are high enough so the mother cannot climb out of the bin. Vermiculite kept lightly moist will be the substrate of choice for the egg laying process, as well as the incubator (where you will hatch the eggs), so it's a good idea to have extra.

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      Set up a heat lamp with a 60-watt incandescent bulb for the lay bin to keep the mother and eggs warm during the egg laying process. Bearded dragons tend to lay their eggs in the late afternoon or early evening; the box and Vermiculite should be warm by the time she is ready to lay her eggs.