How to Build a Tropical Frog Habitat

Popular pet frogs such as the poison dart frogs, clown tree frog and bumblebee poison frog are native to the southern hemisphere and well adapted to tropical climates. These are habitats high in heat, humidity and rainfall. Pet tropical frogs need an enclosure that closely resembles their natural habitat. Keeping tropical or rainforest amphibians healthy and thriving is more difficult to do than other frogs because an improper habitat can cause the frogs' demise. Most species of tropical frogs have the same basic habitat needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Tank
  • Substrate
  • Plants
  • Tree limbs
  • Vines
  • Heat source
  • Thermometer
  • Humidity sensor
  • Squirt bottle
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      Use a minimum 10-gallon aquarium to house one or two frogs. Since most tropical frogs are small, a small tank of this size is acceptable. However, a larger tank allows you to provide more space and exercise for your frogs.

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      Cover the bottom of the tank with damp paper towels, dirt or sphagnum moss. The substrate used needs to be able to retain moisture to help keep the humidity up.

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      Add live potted plants such as pothos or ivy. Live plants also help keep the tank humid and give the frogs a natural spot to rest.

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      Add leaf litter and bark to the bottom. This serves the dual purpose of keeping the humidity high as well as providing a frog perching spot.

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      Add tree branches or fake vines to give the frogs higher perches and help make use of the entire tank space.

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      Use a shallow bowl for water. Give the frogs fresh water daily.

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      Use an under-the-tank heat pad and over-the-tank light to keep the tank warm. Use a squirt bottle to mist the tank and raise the humidity regularly.

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      Attach a reptile thermometer and humidity-measuring device to the side of the tank. Most tropical frogs need temperatures that range from 74 degrees F (at night) to 82 degrees (during the day) and 70 to 100 percent humidity at all times.