Ulysses Butterfly Habitat

According to Australia̵7;s Wet Tropics Management Authority, the Ulysses Butterfly is commonly found around tropical areas of Australia where it can be seen flitting around flowers in an attempt to hide from predators, such as birds.
  1. Rainforest

    • The Zoo Aquarium Association reports the Ulysses Butterfly is commonly found in tropical rainforests where it flies above the forest canopy, landing for only a few seconds in clearings to feed. When at rest, the Ulysses appears brown in order to blend into the forest surrounding it.


    • As suburban gardens have begun to include more tropical plants and flowers, the Ulysses Butterfly has begun to migrate to the suburbs where it can find food and breeding grounds, reports the Zoo Aquarium Association.

    Euodia Tree

    • An important feature in the habitat of the Ulysses Butterfly is the Euodia Tree, with its pink flowers protruding from its branches. The Wet Tropics Management Authority states this tree provides both food and breeding grounds for the butterfly.


    • According to the Wet Tropics Management Authority, the Ulysses Butterfly lays its eggs on the leaves of the Euodia Tree, as the caterpillar of the butterfly feeds easily on the foliage of the tree.


    • As the habitat of the Ulysses Butterfly is reduced in size, the butterfly is placed at risk from extinction. The Wet Tropics Management Authority reports the Euodia Tree is now threatened in its natural habitat, threatening the survival of the butterfly.