What Are the Most Poisonous Spiders in the World?

There are more than 40,000 known spider species, but only a small fraction of them can cause enough pain to a human that they should be avoided entirely.
  1. Dangerous or Scary?

    • There are many spiders whose venom would kill their normal prey but doesn't do much harm to humans. Those spiders may be scary, but they're not necessarily dangerous.

    Brown Recluse

    • Brown recluse spiders are considered one of the most dangerous spiders to humans in the world. They're found in parts of North America and are identified by the violin shape on their back. Their bite is painful but usually not deadly to humans.

    Black Widow

    • The black widow isn't the most dangerous spider in the world, but it is among the most feared. Black widows live in temperate areas all around the world and are easily identified by the hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. Humans who are bitten by a black widow will experience nausea, muscle aches and a paralyzed diaphragm.


    • Even though tarantulas look creepy because of their hairy legs and bodies, they're not that dangerous to humans. Tarantulas frequently molt, which is when they shed their external skeletons. Their bite is painful but not deadly.

    Funnel-Web Spider

    • According to the Australian Museum, the funnel-web spider, or Sydney funnel-web, lives in the moist forest regions of Australia. They are aggressive spiders that will readily bite if provoked. The venom of the male Sydney funnel-web contains robustoxin, and that's what makes it so dangerous. This chemical severely affects the human nervous system, although deaths are rare.