Can Canaries & Zebra Finches Be Together?

When you are purchasing a canary and a zebra finch together as pets, it is best to keep them in separate cages. Male canaries tend to be aggressive and can attack the more mild mannered zebra finch.
  1. Canary vs. Zebra Finch

    • While canaries and zebra finches can be in the same cage, it is not recommended. It is important to monitor the birds' actions. Also, be sure to check for the sex of each of the birds, unless you want to have a cross breeding situation.

    Male Canaries

    • Male canaries have been known to be aggressive towards other birds and they bond to a 'mate' very quickly. This can cause problems later on if you intend to switch cages.

    Female Zebra Finches

    • Zebra finches are easy to care for and a great choice for beginner bird owners. Zebra finches like to be in pairs and tend to breed easily, so it is best to have a female zebra finch and a female canary if you don't intend to breed.


    • As with any pet purchase deciding to keep a canary with a zebra finch is a personal choice for your lifestyle and the cage space that you have. Zebra finches need room to fly within their cage, whereas a canary is happy in a smaller space.

    Fun Fact

    • Zebra finches have a varied diet of millet and canary seeds and they like to eat dandelion leaves.