Tasmanian Devil's Habitat

The Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial that lives only on Tasmania, an island state of Australia. According to the Tasmania Parks &Wildlife Service, the Tasmanian Devil received the status of endangered in 2008. The devil thrives in any area where it can hide and hunt for food.
  1. History

    • The Tasmanian Devil once lived on the mainland of Australia, but because of climate changes and the wild dingoes, it became extinct on the mainland.

    Coastal Heath

    • Tasmanian Devils can live among the coastal heath, which is a form of vegetation along the Tasmanian coast.

    Sclerophyll Forest

    • A sclerophyll forest receives very little rainfall and provides plenty of hiding areas for the Tasmanian Devil. The devils live in the underbrush of the forest.

    Wet Sclerophyll Forest

    • Tasmanian Devils also live in wet sclerophyll forests, commonly called rainforests.

    Farming Areas

    • Tasmanian Devils are scavengers, and many of them live near farm areas where there is a constant supply of food.