High-Protein Wombaroo Diet Information

Wombaroo high-protein powder is used to provide a high level of protein in the diet of certain exotic pets, primarily sugar gliders. A high-protein diet using Wombaroo can provide the nutrition pets would get in the wild from their normal diet. In the wild, sugar gliders eat a diet that consists primarily of insects, nectar, small vertebrates, small arthropods and sap from such trees as acacia, eucalyptus and gum trees.
  1. What Is Wombaroo?

    • Wombaroo is used to make food that can serve as the main course of your sugar glider's diet. You may also wish to provide dry food for snacking during the day. Wombaroo high-protein food can be made in advance and stored in your freezer. When served as directed, it forms the basis of a nutritionally complete diet for your pet.

    Making Wombaroo

    • To make Wombaroo high-protein food, you will need Wombaroo high-protein powder, water, honey, three eggs and bee pollen (Australian preferred). The eggs should be scrambled without the addition of any fat or seasoning. You can do this in a microwave-safe container, stirring the eggs every 20 to 30 seconds until they are completely cooked through.

      Dissolve 1 1/2cups of honey in two cups of warm water. You can use spring water if you are concerned about chemicals in tap water. Add 1/4 cup of the Wombaroo powder to the water and honey mixture, and stir until dissolved. If you have a nursing female or breeding pair, you can increase the Wombaroo powder to 1/2 cup. Place the cooled eggs in a blender with 1/2 to one cup of the water and honey mixture; mix thoroughly for two minutes. The remaining water and honey mixture is then added to the blender and mixed again for two minutes. The resulting Wombaroo high-protein-diet food should be frozen in freezer-safe containers and used as needed.

    Feeding Your Sugar Glider

    • Every day, your sugar glider will need 1 1/2 teaspoons of the Wombaroo high-protein diet food, together with one tablespoon of appropriate mixed fruits and one tablespoon of appropriate mixed vegetables. You should also include treats, such as meal worms, and offer a liquid pollen and nectar drink (Gliderade) once or twice every week. Food should be given in the evening when your pet wakes; remove any uneaten food in the morning. Because of the small amount of Wombaroo high-protein diet being given, it does not have to be microwaved or thawed in advance.