Where Does the Crown of Thorns Starfish Live?

Evidence suggests that Crown of Thorns starfish have inhabited the earth for 18 million years. These starfish can be purple, red, green or yellowish. The species is thriving, and, at times, population surges have been a problem. When populations get too high, divers are sent into the water to reduce the starfish's population. This is done by taking some of the starfish's own stomach acid and injecting it into his legs.
  1. Location

    • The Crown of Thorns starfish lives in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is home to a large number of the starfish and are considered a threat to the health of the reef.


    • Growing as large as a car tire, the Crown of Thorns starfish is the world's biggest starfish.


    • Crown of Thorns starfish eat coral and sea urchins. A single starfish can eat 6 square meters (64.584 square feet) of reef per year. Crown of Thorns starfish have also been know to cannibalize each other.


    • Toxic spines cover the top of the Crow of Thorns starfish. People coming into contact with these spines may experience vomiting in addition to itching, swelling and stiffness in the affected area.


    • Adult Crown of Thorns starfish can not swim, but can walk up to 20 miles per hour over sand. They are not this fast when walking on reefs.