Bullfrog Habitat

The American bullfrog, or Rana catesbeiana, is a large frog. The amphibian is native to eastern North America and is known for its deep, baritone call.
  1. Size and Shape

    • The American bullfrog runs from 3.5 to 6 inches in length, which is roughly the size of a standard tea cup.


    • Bullfrogs tend to live in freshwater ponds, lakes and swampy areas. They can be found anywhere from as far north as Nova Scotia to as far south as Cuba.


    • Bullfrogs are voracious predators within their habitats. They will consume just about anything they can fit in their jaws. Typical victims include insects, rodents, birds and even the occasional snake.


    • Bullfrogs prefer to live in habitat along gently flowing bodies of water. In these places, which ordinarily would be teeming with mosquitoes, bullfrogs help keep the local mosquito populations in check.


    • Rana catesbeiana give off poisonous secretions from their paratoid glands. These secretions have the ability to poison any unfortunate predator that makes the mistake of trying to eat them.