Why Do Peacocks Spread Their Feathers?

Male peafowl, or peacocks, are famed for the elaborate displays that they create with their fanned feathers. This enchantingly beautiful behavior has made peacocks famous throughout the world, and they are a popular feature in zoos and private farms.
  1. Gender Dynamics

    • Like many bird species, male peafowl are significantly more colorful and elaborate than their female counterparts. Peahen do not have the ostentatious feathers that peacocks do.

    Mating Display

    • Peacocks fan their dazzling plumage to attract and impress potential mates. It is part of a complex "dance" that also involves strutting and quaking.


    • Despite common misconceptions, peacocks are actually incapable of spreading their tail feathers. It is the "train," or lower-back feathers, that are fanned during the display.

    Fun Fact

    • Peafowl see a deeper, more complex range of colors than humans can perceive.

    Cultural Effect

    • Peacocks have become so famous for their beautiful mating displays that they have spawned a number of sayings: "proud as a peacock," "pretty as a peacock" and "strutting like a peacock" are all common references to their behavior.