How to Collect Bee Pollen

Bee pollen contains all the nutrients necessary for the body to thrive---high concentrations of B complex vitamins, along with Vitamins A, C, D and E. Bee pollen provides the body with natural energy and helps improve metabolism, reduce food cravings, aid in weight loss and lower cholesterol levels. Bee pollen consumption has proven reliable in relieving PMS symptoms in women and in preventing prostate cancer in men.

Things You'll Need

  • Beehive box
  • Bee safety gear
  • Beehive smoker
  • Pollen trap
  • Beehive sealant
  • Containers for pollen
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    • 1

      Choose a beehive box with an established colony inside---there must be a queen along with the other bees. Bees will not work to gather bee pollen and nectar if there is no queen bee.

    • 2

      Put on your safety gear. Use the smoker to smoke out the bees from the beehive.

    • 3

      On the front of the beehive box there will be a drawer to collect debris, bee parts and dead bees, called the collection drawer. Take the collection tray off of the bee pollen trap. Place the collection tray inside the collection drawer of the beehive box. Make sure that it is flush with the walls of the beehive.

    • 4

      Place the top screen of the pollen trap on top of the collection tray.

    • 5

      Examine the beehive. Seal any openings, cracks or holes that are present. This will ensure that the bees will enter and exit the hive through the collection drawer opening only.

    • 6

      Leave the beehive box alone for 24 hours. The bees will return.

    • 7

      Don your safety gear again. Open the collection drawer. Remove the pollen trap. The pollen will be in the collection tray. The screen will contain debris.

    • 8

      Empty the collection tray. You can store bee pollen in airtight containers in the freezer. Clean the collection screen. Replace the pollen trap, following the directions in Steps 3 and 4.