Rainforest Animal Information

The rainforest is full of different types of animals. More than half of the world's plant and animal species make their home in the rainforests. There are different types of animals within each strata of the rainforest. Mammals, birds and reptiles are the largest, most recognizable types of animals living in the rainforest. Unfortunately, many of these animals are rapidly losing their habitat. Taking steps to preserve their environments is the best way to ensure these animals' survival.
  1. Habitat

    • The world's rainforests cover approximately 6 percent of the earth's surface but contain more than half the world's animal and plant species. A rainforest is a tall, dense jungle that receives a great deal of rainfall each year. The climate of rainforests is very hot and humid.


    • There are many types of mammals in the rainforest. Each level of the rainforest brings a new type of animal. On the jungle floor live large, predatory animals like jaguars, giant anteaters and Bengal tigers.
      The rainforest is also home to many arboreal animals, meaning animals that live in trees. One the most common rainforest primates is the spider monkey. Orangutans and chimpanzees also live in the trees of the rainforest.


    • In the rainforest's uppermost layer live thousands of species of birds. Parrots and toucans are the two most recognizable rainforest birds. Others include peacocks, macaws and hornbills.


    • The rainforest is also home to many reptilian species. These reptiles roam between the rainforest's land and water and include dangerous snakes like anacondas, pythons and boa constrictors. Larger reptiles such as crocodiles and alligators also make their home in the rainforest.


    • Most of the animal species found in the rainforest are insects. There are more ants in the rainforest than any other animals. The rainforest is also known for having large mosquito populations. Other popular insects in the rainforest are goliath beetles, termites and many butterfly varieties.

    How They Live

    • Different types of animals live in different strata of the rainforest. There are more small animals than large, and more plant eaters than meat eaters. There is competition for food among rainforest animals but each species also depends on others. When one species dies out it can affect the food chain of another. Animals in the rainforest are in constant danger from predators. In addition to adapting to the climate, animals in the rainforest have adapted ways to protect themselves from predators. These adaptations include camouflage, burrowing and hiding, warning colors, and methods to make themselves appear larger or more dangerous.


    • The animals of the rainforest are rapidly losing their habitat. The world's rainforests are currently disappearing at a rate of 6,000 acres per hour. That mass of land equals about 4,000 football fields each hour. These rainforests are being cut down for lumber and to clear land for farming. Recycling and being conscious of the products we consume is a small way each of us can help preserve the rainforests for their animal inhabitants.