How to Put Eye Drops in a Rabbit

As with other pets, eye drops may be prescribed to treat eye irritations or infections in a pet rabbit. Most rabbits respond relatively calmly to having drops placed in their eyes, but if your rabbit seems particularly anxious--as sometimes happens when animals are in discomfort, which is usually what prompts giving them eye drops in the first place--you may want to take extra precautions, as listed in the Tips section, to make the process easier on both of you.


    • 1

      Pick up your pet rabbit and place him on a waist-high surface such as a table or kitchen counter.

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      Make sure that the bottle or dropper you're using to administer the eye drops is ready. Check to be sure that all seals have been removed and/or punctured, and make sure you know the appropriate dose, which will vary from pet to pet and medication to medication.

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      Drape your right arm over the rabbit and gently hold him in place with pressure from your arm on one side and your body on the other. Have the eye drops ready in your left hand.

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      Use the pad of one finger or the thumb of your right hand to gently pull your rabbit's upper eyelid back, revealing the eye. Place the appropriate number of eye drops in the corner of his eye.

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      Repeat the procedure on the other side if necessary.