How to Set Up a Newt Aquarium

There are various types of newts that can be kept in an aquarium. The most popular is the Chinese fire-bellied newt. Newts are tough pets, and can withstand a wide range of water temperature, PH and water quality. These amphibious animals spend time both in and out of the water, and can live for years longer than most fish. Keep newts healthy and happy by setting up your newt aquarium correctly.

Things You'll Need

  • Filter
  • Gravel
  • Water conditioner
  • Sieve
  • Aquarium light
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      Fill up 1/3 of the tank with water. The newt should have plenty of space to swim around freely, since they spend much of their lives underwater.

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      Wash the gravel in a sieve to make sure any dust is washed away, as it could contaminate the tank. Use a large grain of gravel, as many newts will try to eat anything that is small enough.

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      Add the gravel along the bottom of the tank. It should be even on one side, but build up gradually so one side is higher than the water. Newts need a place to get out of the water.

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      Create a dry side of the tank by piling up smooth rocks that rise above the water, or by placing a divider to create a water side and a dry land side.

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      Set up the filter and let it run for at least a day or two before introducing newts. Treat the water with dechlorinators and products to reduce ammonia.