How to Propagate Green Star Polyp Coral

Green Star polyps otherwise known simply as GSP are a lovely addition to any reef aquarium. When fully colonized, they like an underwater grassy meadow in the aquarium. They are also easily propagated and new colonies can be spread to other areas of the aquarium or sold, which helps to lessen the devastating impact to coral reefs caused by coral harvesters. This article will give you all the knowledge that you require to propagate new colonies of GSP.

Things You'll Need

  • Preexisting GSP colony Razor blade Super glue gel
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    • 1

      Remove the rock that the colony is attached to from your tank. Cut a section of the original colony with the razor blade being careful to avoid polyps. (The polyps are small raised bumps, so cut between these.)

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      Peel the cut section away from the rock or substrate to which it is attached.

    • 3

      Glue the new cutting to any piece of rock or glass within the aquarium using the super glue.

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      Let it grow. The new colony will colonize quickly and should reach the size of the original colony within a few months, if the aquarium parameters are correct.