How to Identify Common Snakes

Where you live or how you spend your leisure time will determine how often you will see snakes. If you enjoy going on hikes through the woods, then you will probably come across some of the most common snakes. If you go for a swim in a lake, for a boat ride or fishing, you may see some snake under rocks or within the sand. Snakes typically bite when they feel threatened. Identifying the most common snakes can be rather easy if you get close enough to them.


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      Look for garter snakes. These one of the most common snakes and can be found in gardens and grassy areas. They do not get very big and are not aggressive. They can grow to be 3 feet long, but very small in width. They can be seen during the warmer months such as during the summer and spring. They are brown with white or yellow stripes.

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      Search in farm areas, forests, deserts and woodlands for king snakes. The king snake have many kinds of snakes in its family such as the speckled king snake, California king snake, Florida king snake, gray banded king snake and Eastern king snake. The only difference among them are where they are located at and their color. California king snake is black with white bands and can be found in the Western part of the U.S. Speckled is black with white speckles and found in central to Southern parts of America. Eastern is found throughout the country and is black with white blotches. Florida king snake can be found in the Southeastern part of the country and is mainly a black color with white markings. The gray banded is found mostly in the South and stands out the most with a gray color and orange stripes.

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      Walk near water to find many common snakes. One of the most common snake you will find near ponds and rivers is the brown water snake. It is tan with black markings and can also be seen in trees when sunning. These snakes are not aggressive and prefer to travel at night.

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      Search in swampy areas. The most common snake in swampy areas is the mud snake. They are black and orange and tend to be very shiny. They can be found in the southern region of the country, especially Georgia and Louisiana.

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      Look in the forests and sandy areas to find the Eastern hognose. This is another very common snake found throughout the country. They are best recognized by their upturned snout and they can grow as long as 4 feet. They are mostly black with light brown markings.