How to Feed Toads to Pacman Frogs

Officially known as the “South American Ornate Horned Frog,” the Pacman frog is a unique species that is a popular pet among those who enjoy frogs and toads. The Pacman Frog gets its name from its fat, round body and oversized mouth, which resembles the shape of the Pacman video game character when opened. The frog appears to have been designed by nature as an eating machine, and is one of the few species of frogs that actually has teeth. Like with any pet, the dietary needs of a Pacman frog are an important consideration for new owners to keep in mind. Follow this quick guide to learn how to feed your frog.

Things You'll Need

  • Crickets
  • Minnows
  • Small mice
  • Small toads
  • Tongs
  • Vitamin supplements
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      Consider the age of your frog. The age of the Pacman frog relates directly to its feeding schedule. Juvenile frogs should be fed every two or three days. Adult Pacman frogs should be fed once a week. As the frog grows old, the feeding schedule should be reduced to once every 10 to 14 days.

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      Take the size of your frog into account. A Pacman frog should never be given a meal that is larger than half the size of the frog itself. This is not usually a problem when you are feeding insects to your frog, but should be considered carefully when larger prey is placed into the frog tank.

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      Think about what food your frog would be eating in the wild. The primary foods for Pacman frogs are crickets, fish and mice. Grasshoppers and other insects may also be fed to your frog, but the general idea is that this is an animal that requires a lot of protein in its diet. Small fish or minnows can be placed in a water dish for a fresh catch, or held with tongs to feed the frog directly.

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      Put a small toad that is less than half the size of your Pacman frog into the aquarium. This will give your frog an opportunity to hunt. Although the frog will eat the toad, its diet should not contain toads alone. The primary diet should remain as crickets, fish and mice, with toads being used as an occasional treat.

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      Provide your frog with vitamin and calcium supplements. These supplements can be obtained from most pet stores or aquarium shops, and can also be ordered at online pet supply chains. The supplements should be given once a week for juvenile frogs, or once every three or four weeks if you have an adult frog.