How to Stop Mosquitoes From Biting

Mosquitoes are the downside of summer. Most people enjoy grilling in the sun, watching fireworks and relaxing by the pool. The mosquitos that come with those activities, however, are dreadful. A perfectly relaxing day can turn into a mosquito biting nightmare in no time. While some people seem to attract mosquitoes from every corner of the globe, others tend to go unscathed by the tiny beasts. If you are frequently bothered by mosquito bites, there are a few things you can do.

Things You'll Need

  • Bug spray
  • Garlic pills
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      Spray your body and clothes with bug spray. Bug spray that contains, no more than 30 percent DEET for adults, and 10 percent DEET for children works best. Some people, however, dislike the smell of bug spray and opt for more natural mosquito remedies.

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      Wear light, earth-toned clothes. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. If your clothes directly contrast with your surroundings, you will attract mosquitoes and the bites that come with them.

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      Take garlic pills every day. Garlic pills do not make your breath stink, but they do make your body emit an odor mosquitoes do not like. For this reason, your body will become a mosquito repellant.

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      Discreetely swat biting mosquitoes away from your skin. Mosquitoes can see movement from very far away. They are designed to move toward anything that moves. Movement signifies life, which signifies blood. Mosquitoes live on blood, so they will bite you if you move a lot. Swatting and swinging your arms violently will only attract more mosquitoes. Blow them away, or use small movements.

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      Shower or wash away excess sweat. Mosquitoes love the smell of sweat. It attracts them and gets them to bite. Shower daily if you plan to be outdoors a lot. Also, if you sweat a lot during the day, wash away excess sweat with a washcloth.