How to Get Pet Sedatives

Giving your pet a sedative is a way to calm him during a potentially stressful situation. It is sometimes necessary to sedate your pet because of an injury or a medical procedure. Some pet sedatives are prescription and others can be purchased over the counter from a pet store. It is illegal to purchase prescription pet sedatives without a prescription from a licensed veterinarian.


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      Consider using an all natural pet sedative. These will often calm the pet without putting it in any danger.

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      Contact your veterinarian for advice about giving your pet a sedative. Be sure to give the veterinarian all of the information about your pet, including any applicable symptoms, illnesses, conditions, breed, current weight and the reason for the sedation. Ask the veterinarian for proper dosage amounts for your pet.

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      Buy pet sedatives only from a reputable source. Some places offer pet sedatives for really cheap prices because the pills are actually only placebo pills.

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      Read the bottle label carefully. Some sedatives have warnings about adverse reactions and negative interaction with certain food, medication, age and health of the pet.

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      Muzzle your pet if it seems extremely agitated or in pain. The muzzle will help avoid injury to your pet and to you. If this is the case, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.