How to Choose Pet Friendly Flooring

Providing for your cat or dog is more than just food and water. Many homeowner decisions are made partly to accommodate the family pet. Flooring is one concern that pet owners need to think about, either when moving in or doing renovations.


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      Get rid of the shag carpet. Many pet owners have carpeting in the house, but stay away from carpets with loop fibers that can trap your pets' claws. The best carpets for pets also have a high performance rating and are easily cleaned.

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      Consider hard vinyl products that provide a smooth, hard surface. One product called lonseal is popular among pet owners. See the Resources section for a link to purchase lonseal. Research different types with an eye to how it will stand up to pets.

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      Get hardwood floors resurfaced with sufficient layers of some urethane product to keep the wood protected. You can also use rugs to protect a wood floor, but you'll probably have to do some resurfacing at some point.

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      Try a laminate floor. This type of flooring has different layers, an attractive veneer with light wood product and protective materials underneath. Laminate floors can be an effective choice for a pet-friendly house.

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      Try new, experimental flooring types. Bamboo is hard, ultra-durable and naturally stain resistant.