How to Build a Land Snail Cage

Land snails are a marvel of nature and a fabulous pet for those who want to learn about the diversity of life. Snails are wonderful creatures to watch, and while they may not be the quickest pet, they're a safe pet for schools and for small children and are relatively low maintenance to care for.

Things You'll Need

  • Clear plastic container
  • Lid
  • Plants
  • Awl (to punch holes)
  • Fresh vegetable pieces (assorted)
  • Spray bottle
  • Paper towels
  • Sponge
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  1. Know More About Land Snails

    • 1

      Know that land snails are gastropods, a grouping which also includes slugs and aquatic snails.

    • 2

      Expect to find a large and friendly snail as a pet. Look for one called the escargot snail (or elix), which is from the West.

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      Order your pet snails from an in-state provider if possible. The only states that allow out-of-state helix snails are Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, Utah and California.

    Build Your Land Snail Cage

    • 4

      Know that you can build a land snail cage easily, as their requirements are relatively low maintenance.

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      Purchase a large, clear plastic container with a snap-on lid. Look for storage containers in a local supply store.

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      Use an awl to pierce through the lid of the cage for ventilation.

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      Add leaves and foliage to your cage, and store your cage in an appropriate place.

    Feed Your Land Snails

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      Know that snails need little food or water to survive.

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      Give your land snail water by spraying the interior of the cage with water and placing sheets of moist paper towels on the floor of the cage.

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      Leave a few pieces of vegetables within the cage.

    Clean Your Land Snail Cage Regularly

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      Remove the land snails from their cage by gently sliding them off of the surfaces onto which they're attached. Transfer your pets to a smaller temporary plastic case with ventilation holes and a strong lid.

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      Spray the walls of the cage and wipe them down with a clean sponge.

    • 13

      Replace the paper towels in the cage and wet them, and then reintroduce your land snails to their cage.