How to Build Pens for Peacocks

Exotic animals are popular to have as pets, but it takes extra effort on the part of the owner to accommodate the special needs of these pets. Peacocks are no different. The wonder and beauty of these animals spans cultures world-wide and goes back thousands of years. Today, they are just as intriguing and are becoming a popular pet. Raising peacocks normally requires having a pen for them. Read on to learn more.


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      Plan adequate space for your birds, taking into consideration not only their size but their gender as well. Male's tails can become more than 5 feet long which means when they spread their tails, they can be more than five feet high. These birds need wide and tall pens to move around without damaging their tails.

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      Use the right materials to ensure the birds cannot hurt themselves and are protected from predators. This requires research on the area you live in to see what natural predators are around you and steps must be taken to ensure the pen provides adequate protection. Wire should be placed at least 12 inches underground to prevent animals digging under the fence.

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      Cover the top of the pen. This prevents the birds from flying out and predators from coming in. Strong netting is a good choice that will not harm the peacocks if they try to fly.

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      Provide shelter for the peafowl. Like any other pet they need shade and protection from harsh weather. If the climate is cold, the pen should have an area that is insulated or heated to keep the birds warm.

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      Place roosts in the pen to provide for their natural urge to roost at night. Simple two-by-fours a few feet off the ground will suffice, but make sure the pen is still high enough so the male birds don't damage their tails while up there.

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      Put up barriers if you have more than one male in the pen. The male birds tend to fight, especially during breeding season which can also affect the eggs that the females lay. Because the birds are large, the barriers should be at least 6 feet tall or as tall as the pen itself so the males can't see each other.