How to Care for a Blood Python

Having a blood python can be fun and rewarding. However, a person should have experience with snakes before trying to raise one. There are several things to consider in the care of a bloody python.

Things You'll Need

  • Breathable Container
  • Digital Thermometer
  • Newspaper
  • Mulch
  • Heat Source
  • Water
  • Rodents
  • Leather Glove
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      Choose the right container. A plastic container with ventilation holes or a glass aquarium with a secure screen top will do nicely. The bottom of the container should have an area of six to twelve feet.

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      Line the cage with newspaper or cypress mulch. Cypress mulch stays moist when misted, but newspaper is easier to clean.

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      Watch the temperature. The temperature should be in the lower 80s. Provide a basking spot in the cage that is between 85 and 90 degrees. This can be accomplished using heating pads that go under the cage or using basking bulbs. Use a digital thermometer to ensure adequate temperature. It is not okay to guess.

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      Control the humidity. The proper humidity for the care of a blood python is between 50 and 60 percent. Misting the cage every few days or placing a bowl of moist moss in the cage will help to maintain proper humidity levels.

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      Provide a hiding spot for the snake. Snakes love dark, tight spots to hide. Put flower pots in the cage or crumple some pieces of newspaper for the snake to hide underneath.

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      Provide fresh, clean water at all times. It is not unusual to find a blood python soaking in the water dish as well as drinking from it.

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      Feed your python once a week. It will need to eat two or three times a week before shedding. It is best to feed the snake dead rodents, since live animals can hurt or kill a blood python.