Corn snakes are compliant and submissive reptiles, and they tolerate being handled by humans, according to a 2011 article in Parenthood.com, an online resource for families. Although children 12 years old and younger shouldn't handle a snake without being supervised by an adult, a corn snake is considered an ideal pet because of its mild-mannered demeanor.
Long Time Between Meals
Pet owners who frequently travel often have to board four-legged pets, hire pet-stters, or ask friends or family members to walk and feed their companions. Because corn snakes can go a long time without eating, you don't have to worry about leaving your adult snake at home for a week, according to MoReptiles. On average, adult corn snakes eat every seven to 10 days, and baby corn snakes eat every three to seven days. Like other reptile pets, corn snakes do require fresh drinking water.
Unlike many snakes, such as the boa constrictor and python, the corn snake doesn't grow to be a large reptile. Corn snakes typically don't grow any longer than 4 to 5 feet, according ReptileKnowledge.com, an online resource about all things reptiles. Having a medium-sized snake as a pet makes handling the corn snake easy.
Low Maintenance
Because of their size, corn snakes don't require a huge aquarium that takes up a lot of space. Corn snakes adapt well in a 15- to 20-gallon aquarium, according to Parenthood.com. Aquariums should be covered with a wire top that is secure. Corn snakes do require some kind of heat source, which should be located somewhere near or attached to the aquarium. A heating pad on the aquarium's side or a heat lamp over the aquarium will work.
Do Corn Snakes Make Good Pets?
Often when people consider getting a pet, snakes are far from the first thought that comes to mind. The thought of having a scaly and slithering animal in their house may be less than appealing. Despite their bad reputations, many breeds of nonvenomous snakes make good pets. The corn snake is one example of a snake that makes a good pet, according to MoReptiles, a Missouri-based company that specializes in selling snakes as pets. Corn snakes have a multitude of characteristics that will likely dispel any fears and misconceptions.