Is Ick Away Okay for Turtles?

Wardley Essentials Ick Away is an essential water treatment to prevent parasites and fungus from developing in aquariums. While "Ick Away" is primarily designed for the benefit of certain types of fish, it is also useful for certain kinds of turtles -- assuming you treat the tank appropriately.
  1. Ichthyophthirius

    • Ichthyophthirius manifests as white spots along the skin of aquatic life. The spots, according to Aquatic Community, represent tiny cysts. Examined under a high powered microscope, each Ick cell has a horseshoe-shaped membrane and is encased by cilia. Left untreated, Ick can metastasize over the entire body of the fish or turtle, causing it to deteriorate or die due to ill health.


    • Fish without scales may not respond well to Ick Away, according to Walmart. Hard-shell turtles, however, possess scales throughout their bodies. Specifically, a hard-shell turtle has skin with scales on its head, feet, legs and shells, according to Zoo Pax. The genetic makeup of soft-shell turtles, on the other hand, includes only dermal bones, minus any sign of scales. As a result, Ick Away is useful for hard-shell but not for soft-shell turtles.


    • Ick Away is highly potent and demands only a minor amount per multiple gallons of water. According to Walmart, only a single teaspoon is necessary per 10 gallons of water. Obtaining advice from a veterinarian or aquatic specialist before applying Ick Away to tank water -- even if your turtle has a hard-shell -- will give you confidence that your turtle's scales can withstand the potency of Ick Away. In some cases, half the amount of Ick Away -- 1/2 teaspoon -- is enough treatment for 10 gallons of water.


    • Maintaining a healthy tank is essential for a healthy turtle. A turtle demands a land area where it can rest above water, a water filter to keep water from stagnating and toys with a minimum width of about an inch, according to Turtle Tanks. While one treatment of Ick Away is often sufficient, multiple applications may be necessary depending upon the severity of an onset of Ichthyophthirius. Regardless, change the turtle's water ever month and a half to ensure a nourishing habitat.