Facts About Chinese Polar Bears

The Chinese polar bear lives in an arctic climate. These animals are known for their cute, cuddly appearance, but are not actually friendly and loving animals. Polar bears are strong, intelligent animals. They are survivors that cannot be scared or dominated by other animals, so it is best to stay out of their path if one is nearby.
  1. Keeping Warm

    • Polar bears have a thick coat of hair covering a layer of fat to keep them warm. Underneath its white fur a polar bear's skin is black, which reflects the sun and helps to keep its body warm.


    • Chinese polar bears swim in the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean. They use their front paws, which are slightly webbed, when swimming. These animals have been spotted as far as hundreds of miles away from the coast, which demonstrates their great swimming skills. They can swim as fast as six miles per hour. Their fur is oily and water repellant, which makes it easy to shake themselves dry after getting out of the water.


    • Female Chinese polar bears do not begin having cubs until they are 4 or 5 years old. Mating season is March through July, and cubs are typically born in the winter. When a baby polar bear is born it weighs around 1 lb. An adult male polar bear weighs between 775 to 1,200 lbs., while a woman weighs much less at 330 to 650 lbs.


    • A polar bears main diet consists of the ringed seal. They eat just the blubber and skin of a seal, when there are an abundance of seals to hunt. Polar bears are able to eat 100 pounds of blubber in one sitting. They also eat whale carcasses if necessary.

    Humans and Chinese Polar Bears

    • Humans are the only predator of the Chinese polar bear. Man-made pollution is one of the known causes of death for polar bears. Although perhaps they should fear humans, these animals do not; this lack of fear can make them dangerous to humans.