When i picked my hamster up it poos loades?

There are several reasons why a hamster might poop when you pick it up, including:

- Fear: When a hamster is scared or anxious, it may release its bowels as a way to try to escape or deter a predator. If your hamster is pooping when you pick it up, it may be because it is feeling stressed or threatened.

- Health issues: Some health conditions, such as diarrhea or a urinary tract infection, can cause hamsters to poop more frequently or in larger amounts. If your hamster is pooping more than usual and you are concerned about its health, it is important to take it to a veterinarian for evaluation.

- Marking its territory: Hamsters use scent marking to communicate with other hamsters and establish their territory. When you pick up your hamster, it may release a small amount of urine or feces to mark you as part of its territory. This is a natural behavior and does not necessarily indicate a problem.

Here are some tips to help prevent your hamster from pooping when you pick it up:

- Handle your hamster gently and carefully. Pick it up with both hands, supporting its body and bottom. Avoid picking it up by the tail or its skin.

- Hold your hamster close to your body. This will help it feel more secure and less likely to poop.

- Talk to your hamster in a soothing voice. This will help it relax.

- Let your hamster explore your hand before picking it up. This will allow it to get used to your scent and feel more comfortable with being handled.