What environment did the dodos live in?

The dodo was a flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) east of Madagascar. The island was originally covered in dense forests, which provided the dodo with a habitat that was rich in food and shelter. The dodo's diet consisted mainly of fruits, seeds, and insects. It is believed that the dodo may have also eaten small vertebrates, such as lizards and frogs. The dodo was a social animal and lived in groups called "herds" or "flocks." These herds were typically made up of several dozen birds. The dodo was also known to be very curious and would often approach humans without fear. This tameness ultimately led to the dodo's extinction, as it was easy prey for humans and introduced predators, such as dogs, cats, and pigs. By the end of the 17th century, the dodo had been driven to extinction.