- Turn off all lights and open all windows: Turn off all lights in the room and open all the windows, this will help the hummingbird find its way out.
- Create an escape route: If the hummingbird is on the floor, place a small branch or stick near it to create a perch and hang a string from the perch to the nearest open window. This will provide the hummingbird with a clear path to fly out.
- Do not touch the hummingbird: Avoid touching the hummingbird as it may stress the bird further and cause injury.
- Move slowly: If the hummingbird appears to be frightened or disoriented, move slowly and calmly around it.
- Provide a sugary water solution: Hummingbirds are attracted to sweet liquids, so place a small bowl filled with a sugar water solution near the window to encourage it to fly towards the exit.
- Wait patiently: It may take some time for the hummingbird to find its way out, be patient and do not disturb it.
- If unsuccessful, contact a wildlife rehabilitator: If the hummingbird does not find its way out after several hours, contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or your local animal control agency for assistance.