1. Birds of prey: Eagles, hawks, and falcons are known to prey on flamingos, especially the young and vulnerable chicks.
2. Large terrestrial predators: Big cats like jaguars and cougars, as well as bears and wolves, may hunt flamingos if they happen to venture too close to their territories.
3. Crocodiles and alligators: These large reptiles can pose a threat to flamingos, especially in bodies of water where they co-exist.
4. Snakes: Some large snakes, such as pythons and boa constrictors, may occasionally prey on flamingos, wrapping around them to suffocate and consume them.
5. Other Flamingos: Flamingos have also been known to engage in cannibalistic behavior, where a flamingo may prey on an injured or deceased member of its own flock.
These predators can threaten flamingos' survival, particularly during critical times such as nesting and rearing of young. However, flamingos have adapted over time to mitigate these threats through behaviors like nesting in colonies, being vigilant in their movements, and engaging in collective defense strategies when predators are perceived.