How do you know when your guppy is going to drop its fry?

There are several signs that indicate when a guppy is about to drop its fry:

1. gravid spot: Look for a dark, triangular-shaped spot near the female guppy's anal fin. This spot, known as the gravid spot, becomes more prominent and darker as the female approaches the time of giving birth.

2. Increased Belly Size: The guppy's belly will become noticeably larger and more rounded as the fry develop inside.

3. Squarish Shape: The female's body shape may change, becoming more squarish or boxy in appearance as the fry take up more space inside her.

4. Restlessness and Hiding: The female guppy may become restless and exhibit hiding behavior as she prepares to give birth. You might notice her swimming erratically, staying near the surface, or seeking shelter in plants or decorations.

5. Chasing and Isolation: The female may start chasing other guppies or seeking isolation. This behavior is her way of creating a safe environment for the即将到来的fry.

6. Darker Vertical Stripes: Some female guppies may develop darker vertical stripes along their bodies as a sign of impending birth.

7. Clear Anal Fin: The anal fin of the female guppy may become transparent or translucent as the birth approaches, allowing you to see the developing fry inside.

8. Curved Spine: The female's spine may curve slightly downward due to the weight of the fry inside.

9. Breathing Rapidly: The female guppy may breathe more rapidly as her body prepares for labor.

10. Reduced Appetite: The female may lose interest in food or have a reduced appetite as she focuses on giving birth.

Once you observe several of these signs, it's likely that your guppy will drop her fry within a few hours to a couple of days. It's important to provide the female with a safe and stress-free environment during this time to ensure a successful birthing process.