How do brown hyenas protect itself?

Camouflage: Brown hyenas have a mottled, brownish-grey coat that provides excellent camouflage in their natural habitats, allowing them to blend into the surroundings and avoid predators.

Teeth and Claws: Brown hyenas have powerful jaws with large, sharp teeth, which they use for hunting, defense, and scavenging. Their claws are strong and help them in hunting, climbing, and digging.

Strong Necks: Brown hyenas have thick, muscular necks that allow them to deliver powerful bites. This can serve as a deterrent to potential predators or competitors.

Loud Calls: Brown hyenas are known for their distinctive vocalizations, including loud whooping, hooting, and laughing sounds. These calls help them stay in touch with members of their clan, defend their territory, and communicate various social messages.

Clan Social Structure: Brown hyenas live in social groups called clans, which provide protection and cooperation for hunting and defense. The clans have a hierarchical structure, with dominant individuals at the top, and this social structure helps them defend themselves against threats.

Scavenging Behavior: Brown hyenas are opportunistic feeders and often scavenge on carcasses left behind by other predators or natural causes. This behavior reduces the risk of direct confrontations with other predators and allows them to obtain food without actively hunting.