Does a fox make burrow?

Yes, foxes do make burrows, but they don't always build them from scratch.

Here's the breakdown:

* They often use pre-existing burrows: Foxes are known for being opportunistic and will gladly move into abandoned burrows made by other animals, like rabbits, badgers, or even other foxes. This is especially common in areas where suitable denning sites are scarce.

* They may expand existing burrows: If they find a suitable burrow but it's too small or not quite right, they'll often expand it by digging more tunnels and chambers.

* They might create a new burrow: Foxes will build their own burrows when necessary, especially in areas with plenty of suitable soil and few abandoned dens. These burrows usually have multiple entrances and can be quite complex.

Why do foxes make burrows?

* Safety: Burrows provide a safe haven from predators, extreme weather, and other threats.

* Raising young: Foxes use burrows to give birth and raise their kits, providing a safe, warm, and secure environment.

* Resting: Foxes often retreat to their burrows to rest and sleep.

So, while foxes don't always build their own burrows, they are certainly known to create them, expand them, and use them extensively for various purposes.