What does a fennec fox eat?

Fennec foxes are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they eat a variety of things depending on what's available. Their diet typically consists of:

Animal prey:

* Insects: They're particularly fond of beetles, grasshoppers, and locusts.

* Small rodents: Mice, rats, gerbils, and other small mammals are a key part of their diet.

* Lizards and snakes: They will occasionally hunt these reptiles.

* Eggs: They'll scavenge bird eggs when they can.

* Birds: They will sometimes catch small birds.

Plant matter:

* Fruits and berries: They're known to eat dates, figs, and other fruits when available.

* Roots and tubers: They will dig up roots and tubers to eat.

* Seeds: They will eat seeds they find.

Their diet varies greatly depending on the season and availability of food. They're very adaptable and can survive on a wide range of things.