In what ecosystem does a gray fox live?

Gray foxes are adaptable animals and can live in a variety of ecosystems, but they are most commonly found in:

* Deciduous forests: These forests provide abundant food and shelter for gray foxes, with plenty of trees for denning and small mammals to prey on.

* Woodlands: Gray foxes thrive in woodlands with a mix of trees and open spaces, providing both cover and hunting opportunities.

* Brushy areas: Dense brush provides excellent cover for gray foxes, allowing them to hide from predators and ambush prey.

* Suburban areas: Gray foxes are increasingly adapting to living near humans, taking advantage of food sources and sheltered areas.

They are also found in:

* Grasslands: Although less common, gray foxes can inhabit grasslands if suitable cover is available.

* Mountains: They can be found in mountainous regions, particularly in areas with forests or brush.

Gray foxes are generally not found in:

* Deserts: Their fur is not adapted to desert conditions.

* Arctic or Tundra: The cold and harsh conditions are unsuitable for them.