What is a white tailed prairie dogs predator?

White-tailed prairie dogs have a variety of predators, including:


* Coyotes: One of the most common predators, especially in areas with large populations of prairie dogs.

* Badgers: Excellent diggers that can reach prairie dogs in their burrows.

* Black-footed Ferrets: A critically endangered species that relies almost entirely on prairie dogs for food.

* Hawks: Several hawk species, including the Ferruginous Hawk, are known to prey on prairie dogs.

* Owls: Burrowing Owls, Great Horned Owls, and Short-eared Owls are nocturnal predators of prairie dogs.

* Weasels: Long-tailed Weasels and Short-tailed Weasels are known to prey on prairie dogs.

* Raccoons: Opportunistic predators that will eat prairie dogs if given the chance.

* Domestic Dogs: Feral or unleashed dogs can prey on prairie dogs.


* Snakes: Rattlesnakes and other snake species will eat prairie dogs, especially young ones.


* Humans: Humans can impact prairie dog populations through habitat destruction, hunting, and poisoning.

It's important to note that the specific predators of white-tailed prairie dogs can vary depending on the location and habitat.