What hunts a fennec fox?

Fennec foxes are relatively small and fast, and they live in harsh environments with few large predators. However, they are still vulnerable to a few threats:

Natural predators:

* Caracal: This medium-sized wild cat is known to prey on fennec foxes.

* African wild dogs: These highly social canids are opportunistic hunters and may target fennec foxes.

* Eagles and other large birds of prey: They can swoop down and capture fennec foxes, especially when they are young or vulnerable.

* Snakes: Some larger snakes, like pythons, may hunt fennec foxes.

* Larger foxes: Other fox species, like the Rüppell's fox, may compete for resources and occasionally prey on fennec foxes.

Other threats:

* Domestic dogs: If introduced into their habitat, domestic dogs can pose a threat to fennec foxes.

* Habitat loss: As human development encroaches on their desert habitat, fennec foxes face challenges finding food and shelter.

Important Note: Fennec foxes are considered a Least Concern species by the IUCN, meaning they are not currently facing an immediate threat of extinction. However, it's still important to be aware of the threats they face and to protect their habitat.