Does a red fox mark its territory?

Yes, red foxes do mark their territory. They use a variety of methods to do so, including:

* Urine: Foxes urinate on prominent objects like trees, rocks, and fence posts to deposit their scent.

* Feces: They defecate in specific locations to communicate their presence and dominance.

* Scent glands: Foxes have scent glands on their feet and around their anus, which they rub against objects to leave their unique scent.

* Vocalizations: Foxes use howls, barks, and other vocalizations to communicate with other foxes and let them know they are in the area.

* Visual markings: Foxes might scratch at the ground or bark at the base of a tree to create a visible marker.

The size of a fox's territory depends on factors like food availability and the presence of other foxes. They will defend their territory from other foxes, especially during mating season.