Do foxes make nests for their Cubs?

Foxes don't build traditional nests like birds. Instead, they create dens. These dens are burrows in the ground, often in:

* Existing holes: They may use abandoned burrows made by other animals, such as badgers or rabbits.

* Under tree roots: They can also dig under the roots of large trees.

* Under dense vegetation: Sometimes they'll find a spot under a thick bush or patch of tall grass.

The den provides a safe and protected space for the kits (baby foxes) to grow and develop.

Here's why a den is better than a nest for foxes:

* Protection from predators: The den provides a secure refuge from predators like wolves, coyotes, and larger birds of prey.

* Temperature regulation: The den helps insulate the kits from extreme weather conditions, keeping them warm in winter and cool in summer.

* Privacy and security: The den allows the kits to grow and develop in a safe, undisturbed environment.

So, while foxes don't build nests, they create dens, which are essential for the survival of their young.