What eats an island fox?

Island foxes are unfortunately vulnerable to a number of predators, including:

Natural Predators:

* Golden Eagles: While not a common predator, golden eagles can prey on island foxes, especially young or weakened individuals.

* Coyotes: Coyotes have been introduced to some of the islands where island foxes live, and they are a serious threat, being a much larger and more aggressive predator.

* Domestic Cats: Feral cats pose a significant threat to island fox populations.

* Raptors: Other birds of prey like hawks and owls can also prey on island foxes, especially young ones.

Other Threats:

* Disease: Island foxes are susceptible to diseases such as canine distemper and parvovirus, which can be introduced by other animals.

* Habitat Loss: As human development encroaches on their habitat, island foxes are losing their natural homes, making them more vulnerable.

It's important to note that the specific predators that threaten an island fox population depend on the specific island where they live. Some islands may have more natural predators than others, while some may have been affected by introduced species like coyotes or feral cats.