How to Identify a Healthy Pet Fox

Healthy pets are the ideal for pet owners. The animals we love and care for are happy when they feel well. Fox breeders will provide new owners with a health certificate stating that their newly purchased fox is healthy. Of course you will want to keep your pet fox healthy once you bring him home. Being able to identify symptoms of illness will help maintain your fox's well being.


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      Know your pet's normal, healthy temperament so you can recognize warning signs when he is not well. An animal may appear disoriented or confused if it has become infected with a disease, without showing any other physical manifestations.

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      Monitor the energy level of your pet fox to make sure he is healthy. Foxes, especially fennecs, tend to have high levels of energy and are very active. Lethargy can be a symptom of numerous ailments, including heatstroke, encephalitis or certain types of food poisoning.

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      Examine your pet's ears regularly for fleas and ear mites. Foxes will scratch their ears and shake their heads if they are infected. A veterinarian can treat this problem easily.

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      Be able to identify mange, a highly contagious disease among foxes. It is characterized by crusty sores, patches of hair loss and thick, dry skin. Animals will chew and scratch excessively. Mange primarily appears in the head and muzzle area but can infect any part of a fox's body. Healthy foxes will have a full coat of fur and smooth skin. "The Merck Veterinary Manual" details treatment options for foxes with mange, and is available from Amazon (see Resources below).

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      Observe your pet fox's appetite to ensure that she is healthy and fit. Healthy foxes will generally eat well without problems when given a nutritious diet. If your pet suddenly refuses food, this could be a sign that she is sick.

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      Ask your vet to check for hookworms or other parasites if your pet fox appears to have lost weight in a short period of time. A fox with worms can either begin to look emaciated, or have a bloated stomach.