How do Arctic fox reproduce?

1. Mating season and courtship

Arctic foxes typically breed in late February or early March. During the mating season, male foxes will compete for females by running, jumping, and chasing each other. The dominant male will mate with the female, and the pair will form a monogamous bond for the duration of the breeding season.

2. Denning and gestation

After mating, the female will find a suitable den to give birth to her kits. Dens are typically located in burrows or rock crevices, and the female will line the den with moss, lichens, and feathers to make it comfortable for her young. The female's gestation period is 52-56 days.

3. Birth of the kits

A female Arctic fox typically gives birth to 3-11 kits, though litters of up to 15 kits have been recorded. The kits are born blind and deaf, and they rely on their mother's milk for food. The kits will start to open their eyes at around 10 days of age, and they will be fully weaned by 6-8 weeks of age.

4. Raising the kits

The female fox will stay with her kits in the den for the first few weeks of their lives. During this time, she will provide them with food and protection. The male fox will also help to raise the kits, and he will often bring food back to the den for the family.

5. Dispersal of the kits

The kits will start to disperse from the den at around 3 months of age. They will travel in small groups for a while before they finally settle down and establish their own territories.

Arctic foxes typically reach sexual maturity at around 10 months of age, and they can live for up to 15 years in the wild.